+ Swipe through some project slides/pages above.

Effective delegations are essential to the success of any large and complex business. The Delegations Manual documents who in an organisations has the power to delegate and what the scope of these powers are. This eLearning was produced to raise organisational awareness of the Delegations Manual and how it can help staff to make better decisions.

The main challenge for this project was that the Manual contains lots of complex legal and financial detail but the module was required as certified training for all staff across the business. How do we engage and educate learners with limited technical or legal knowledge? 

The solution was to provide a brief high-level animated overview of the importance of the Delegations Manual. The learners where then presented with a range of delegation scenarios from across the business. Learners could choose the scenarios that related most closely to their roles and follow the fictional stories of the delegation dilemmas their colleagues faced.

Following the scenarios learners were asked to make decisions on how their colleagues should respond.  They could access the relevant sections of the manual at any time to make an informed decision and they were able to see immediate feedback and consequences to the choices they made.   


+ Click play to watch an example of one of the scenarios videos below.

+ Click play to watch introductory video below.