+ Swipe through some project slides/pages above.

The introduction of new Risk Management software and processes provided a great opportunity to upskill the organisation on the importance of effective Risk Management. Due to the different learning needs of the audience, the project went out in three stages. 

  • An introductory explainer video on the importance of Risk Management (Audience: Company-wide)
  • An eLearning module on how risk is managed within the company (Audience: Risk Managers)
  • A walkthrough/interactive video for specific technical software instructions (Audience: Risk Reporters). 

The eLearning module was presented in the same format as the Risk Management Framework so learners could become familiar with how to navigate the framework and what information would be required where. As well as introducing how the framework helped to manage risk the module linked back to consistent themes from the introductory video and how a real-life risk scenario might be managed. 

The Screen walkthrough was an interactive video, utilising Adobe Captivate’s chapter function learners could navigate around the video.

+ Click play to watch introductory video below.