+ Click play to watch the video above.

The Customer Value Proposition (CVP) project was part of a company wide update to the Customer Relationship Management platform (CRM). This was seen as a massive change for AT. As Staff were being introduced to new systems and processes it seemed like a great opportunity to go back to basics and cover the foundations for all AT’s customer service (the WHY? behind the changes).

This was the first step on the learner’s journey. The aim of the module was to get teams thinking about the roles they play at AT, and what they can contribute to better customer outcomes. This took place  before any new systems training was introduced.

The project was a true blended learning experience: 

  • Multiple, animated explainer type videos were produced and embedded into an eLearning module
  • Printed materials were  produced for follow up workshops, where teams could discuss how ideas raised were relevant to them
  • These workshops were then followed by a further eLearning module which tied the CVP into the CRM
  • We then had lab sessions where key stakeholders were able to experiment with the new processes
  • Face-to-face training sessions where available for those with specific learning needs
  • Finally video walkthroughs were recorded, these were integrated into the final platform using WalkMe.


+ Swipe through some project slides/pages below.